Thursday 28 September 2017

Little Miss Muffit

  The  Picnic              

It was a bright Sunday morning, birds were tweeting and the sun was shining like a diamond. The sweet smell of porridge was in the air. “Ah, it's the perfect day for a picnic” Miss Muffet mumbled to herself , as she strolled out her string like house that was almost ready to break. The morning dew drops were resting above her head,  precariously hanging like dripping tap water from a faucet that was just closed. She strolled outside with picnic basket in hand,  the woven basket snapping with every rickety movement as she walked over the uneven ground.

The neighbourhood waved as she slowly walked by, everyone knew each other. It was such a delightful little place. They all lived in a small area in the middle of the forest and almost everything was naturally made. Because everyone knew each other, it was like a giant family with Miss Muffet being the favourite. She would help everyone in sight; people say that she must have eight legs just because she could multi-task so well.

She climbed past an old tree and up a steep hill through the long grass, perfect to hide in if you were a bug. As she reached the top she sat down on a stump. It's cold old bark was now warm in the sun . The sun also heated up her hairy old legs, she placed a blanket down then took her curds and whey out. It was a very small portion as she could not eat much food as she was to old. Then suddenly a spider sat down next to Little Miss Muffet .

It's dark gloomy shadow hovered above her “Well hello Miss Muffet, may I have that food?' said the hideous creature “ No, you may not. How can my eight legs run if I'm starving “
She said as she ran side ways up the side of a tree
“HELP HELP I'm food robbed! I have got venom, and I will use it. “
Screamed Miss Muffet as she ran to her web. But as she arrived and sat on her web the spider that had tried to rob her came along and said “ ma i please have some food “ said the spider
“Oh well yes you may”
Said Miss Muffet as they sat at her silky table” 3...2...1..”
“I'm sorry what was that dear?” woosh the spider was gone and so was Miss Muffet's secret spider curds and whey recipe.After all spider legs are amazingly crunchy.
The chase began the spider hasn't won yet her eight eyes were locked on anywhere everywhere no one can know especially the village, see Miss Muffet will help you, then invite you to tea , special  venom tea 3 minutes after the victim is unconscious and then is turned into curds and whey which is sold to their family also know as the whole village.

Up and down they ran past an old tree until final she lost him as it turned dark and foggy and the night crept closer miss Muffet would have to return to her web if not she could be eaten. Nevertheless, she must continue at risk because if she didn't, she could be in a whole lot of trouble.The night got closer and closer until the night was upon her the logs cracked and the owls hooted snakes were out hunting just in case  there was someone foolish enough to go outside.Hunt she must, or her life was at risk, but there was nothing no hope not well she was far enough away so the spiders won't find her till dawn. The noises continued, but luckily she managed to find an old broken hollow log to rest in “ this will do for tonight “ she mumbled to herself.

As Miss Muffet's eyes opened to the light bursting through an old broken log branch she remembered she had no time to waste “ ON WITH THE SEARCH!!!” she exclaimed  
“ too late !“ said a voice
that's when she felt the log move it was like she was suspended in the air like she was being carried as the log moved back and forth. She was being carried!” put me down now !” she shouted
‘Gladly” replied the voice
Miss Muffet was lowered into a pot and never seen again.

Although it is said that on friday the 13th she comes back and sits on a log like the one she ones had sought refuge in and when and unfortunate ghostly soul floats by she snatches them and makes them into curds and whey. Unfortunately, you can't help or tell when they are being taken as one you can not see them and to if you hear them there is a chance you could be hearing future you. The only way to survive is to sit in a log that night because if the log is in use, you are still counted as a living breathing thing that can't be mixed into SPIDER FOOD.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Character Description

I have a guinea pig called Bubbles .She is a white,brown and ginger colour her whole body is white but one side of her head is brown and the other side is ginger.

She can be very shy and scared very easily .She can also be very mischievous and when scared she runs to the safety of her house .Also she can be extremely bossy ordering her sister to do things,and constantly squeaking for food more and more food.But when she goes outside she tries to be  an escape artist from climbing the cage walls of the cage to skydiving of of couches and beds ,

She can be sweet but most of the time she is a bossy demanding guinea pig.

Sunday 3 September 2017

My Speech

My Visit To Scotland

When I visited scotland I had a very interesting start to the visit .

I can't say much about the start because most of it I don't remember because so much flying gave me jet lag and my brain was behind .But I will say a small bit about the place I visited and other little things .

Place One crail : Crail is a small town about 80 miles from glasgow .The only way to describe crail is to say it looks like atown out a fairy tale .With little old cottages made of bricks a small harbour and a beautiful beach with a very lovely area . This area is on the beach it's about as big as a school bus and as deep as a paddling pool it's filled with rocks now rocks aren't very special but there are blue,purple, red, orange it's a pool of rainbow rocks really  . The day I went I was very lucky as for ones the sun was out .Since I was 2 every year we would come and do the same thing drive to crail have a wee cup o tea go on to the rocks to look for wilkes which is a type of seafood then drive to a town near crail called anstruther . Unfortunate for me I had a bit of a sad day to .There was no milk for tea This is a personal disaster.

When we got to anstruther we also did our we traddition get ice cream fish and chips and sit at the harbour to make this a bit more funnyish the harbour is shaped like a circle with the top cut of.So like a bowl then but whenever we park the car goes forward and gives my grann a mini heart attack cause she thinks she going to fall into a pool of smelly fish and seaweed .Also an upside for anstruther is thats where i got the sweets for everyone .

Place 2 : North Berwick  or if you said it how you read it North Berwick :North berwick is 3 hours away but still an awesome place to go huge beach and great fish and chips if you can't tell scott's love fish n chips well most of as .Remember how I said we were looking for see life in crail well here is a comparison crail is like Nz Rain not bad North berwick is like snow in the North pole so a lot .But there was a price to pay our sense of smell the seaweed was bad. That's all I can say Bad.Also Next to north berwick is a town like crail but more beautiful  its called abeerlady is pretty much like crail i'm starting to see a pattern one place a good place near it .

Any way on a happy note I am home now and I couldn't ask to be in a better school .

Sick Sentence

1. The sea was rough and there were big waves.

1.The sea was like a mountain tall and dark the only difference mountains don't crash down like thunder.

2. The Creatures moved through the water
2The majestic creatures moved through the water There tales rising and falling behind them like the tide  splashing the water behind them like it was  nothing .

  1. The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.

1  The boy held out the flaming steak . The dragon had no hesitation and the food was gone the boys hand almost went with it. The ferocious dragon was green with horns so sharp they could cut diamonds.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

6 word stories

                         “I need a hug from mummy!”

                                   “Is there something in my teeth?”

Sunday 26 March 2017



                                AKA:                        Mission  Blue Butterfly

                        Scientific Name:           Aricia icarioides missionensis
                        Classification :              Animalia
                        Phylum :                     Arthropods
                        Class:                          Insecta
                        Order:                        They Are Lepidoptera                
                        Diet :                          They Like To Eat Pollen or Nectar
                        Habitat:                      In Flowers or  Gardens
                        Habits :                      They are a non destructive butterfly
                        Last known location :   The varied lupine,  or    The silver lupine, or    The summer lupine
        Description  :

                                        The  Mission Blue Butterfly  carries no green or purple color on its body or wings . The  male  Mission blue  Butterfly  is manly icey blue or dark blue with its body dark blue to brown . The female's wings are dark brown and mostly the same as males .  The Larvae only eat  varied lupine,  or    The silver lupine, or    The summer lupine, . The adult Mission Blue Butterfly  drinks through a proboscis under its head, it manly drinks nectar from sunflowers and has a wingspan
of 21–33 millimetres . There were 910 left in 1997 but now in 2017 there are only 196 left think of the future