Sunday 26 March 2017



                                AKA:                        Mission  Blue Butterfly

                        Scientific Name:           Aricia icarioides missionensis
                        Classification :              Animalia
                        Phylum :                     Arthropods
                        Class:                          Insecta
                        Order:                        They Are Lepidoptera                
                        Diet :                          They Like To Eat Pollen or Nectar
                        Habitat:                      In Flowers or  Gardens
                        Habits :                      They are a non destructive butterfly
                        Last known location :   The varied lupine,  or    The silver lupine, or    The summer lupine
        Description  :

                                        The  Mission Blue Butterfly  carries no green or purple color on its body or wings . The  male  Mission blue  Butterfly  is manly icey blue or dark blue with its body dark blue to brown . The female's wings are dark brown and mostly the same as males .  The Larvae only eat  varied lupine,  or    The silver lupine, or    The summer lupine, . The adult Mission Blue Butterfly  drinks through a proboscis under its head, it manly drinks nectar from sunflowers and has a wingspan
of 21–33 millimetres . There were 910 left in 1997 but now in 2017 there are only 196 left think of the future                       

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