Thursday 16 February 2017

Inside my head

Inside my Head
I am a Song Writter not Huge I am small And simple
Inside My Head

Inside My Head
I am An Ice Skater jumping and twirling to my hearts desire
Inside My Head

Inside My Head
I am a simple Farmer who sells her food to a small happy town
Inside My Head

Inside My Head

I go back to scotland and open a small seafood shop in crail
with my gran it was our dream
Inside My Head

Wednesday 15 February 2017

My Learning Style

My name is Grace because i like ice skating

When I work I like to have music in the background or to hear people chatting but I can work in silence as well but it sometimes makes it harder to focus on one idea.When I work I prefer to work at my desk with pencil and paper but when I do art I like to stand up .I do enjoy work on computers but you can lose information and it can be confusing .When I do work I like to finish it because I get lots of ideas fast so when I have a break I forget some ideas and new ones come into my head and mess up what I am doing .I enjoy working with a partner  or by myself I do not enjoy working in big groups because it can cause big arguments  and  can confuse people when they work .When I finish work I do not like the teacher reading my work aloud and when I work with a jotter I turn my paper over if someone enters the room  . I can go the whole  day with no snack and when I work I enjoy the light on .

This is how I learn but I will always try my best.